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It is extremely important that you get some training and practice with the specific pepper spray canister which you are going to carry. Study the canister closely paying special attention to the location of the nozzle, the safety mechanism and how to get past the safety mechanism in an emergency.

We recommend this simple drill to train yourself at home:

  1. Print out a few copies of people's faces - to be used as your training targets.
  2. Pin the copy to a fence or upright stick so that it represents a person of average height.
  3. Stand upwind, several feet away and practice firing at the target in one second blasts.
  4. Your aim should be directly between the eyes.

NOTE: The pepper fog will affect all the mucous membranes and even the exposed skin, but ideally you'd want your attacker's eyes to immediately close.

You could also purchase training sprays which could be used on human targets. This would give you the practice of a "live" target, but without the extreme pain and consequences associated with pepper fog.